I´m Marja Korhonen from Saarijärvi ( in the Central Finland). I used
to be a teacher for special education. I got a stroke in 2004 and as a
result of a serious case of malpractice was a locked-in syndrome – in
other words quadriplegia and loss of speech. I got back home from the
hospital in 2006 . Quite soon I started to arrange different kinds of
charity events. I gave my face for publicity when my first book
“Häivähdyksiä – erityinen elämäni” (Myllylahti 2014) was published in
Finland. Now it is translated in English and I am looking forward to
find a foreign book agent. My book has been written by head mouse- all
by myself. As a result of the publicity I was asked to give lectures all
around Finland. So I became an entrepreneur in 2015. My second
self-written book “Sydämeen tatuoitu” (Myllylahti 2017) continued to
increase the popularity of my lectures. My third book Karhunpesä (Mediapinta) was published in 2018. Now my fourth "child" Marjan Enkelit (Myllylahti 2021) spreads all over Finland. It amuses with its humour!
Photo: Agata Anttonen / Keskisuomalainen